September 14, 2018
Strong Start Opens September 17th!
The Richard McBride Strong Start Early Learning Centre will be open on September 17th at 8:50. Strong Start is a free drop-in centre for pre-school children age 0 to 5 and their parents or caregiver. Qualified early childhood educators facilitate learning activities such as story time, music and art to help children get ready for kindergarten. Parents and caregivers are provided with an opportunity to discover new ways to support their children’s learning at home, and make valuable connections to both the school and community. Families using the Centres are asked to register and provide one piece of ID verifying their child’s name and date of birth.
Registration forms are available at the centers or can be completed prior to attending by going to the District Website and downloading the form. You can also find the 2018-2019 StrongStart Calendar there as well as the McBride StrongStart Program Guide.